Monday, May 14, 2007

Can human eyes endowed with night vision?

From this article,

The "Bionic Man/Bionic Woman" in us gives thanks for microchips that help our damaged bodies, pills that keep our brains happy and focused, Palm Pilots that put information in our hands and eye implants that improve our vision.

But will we welcome a future that includes: designer children, their brains 20% smarter and wiped clean of the most violent impulses; older adults living 20 years longer than today; wireless links connecting our brains to e-mail transmitters; perhaps even human eyes endowed with night vision?

There is a big debate going on in this topic... Using technology to enhance Humans?

Even this story slashdotted too.. Look at the arguments,

"It's a well-known fact that technology can improve our lives. For example, we can reach anyone and anywhere with our cellphones. And people who can't walk after an accident now can have smart prosthesis to help them. But what about designing our children on a computer or having a chip inside our brain to answer our email messages? Are we ready for such a future? In 'Robo-quandary,' the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that many researchers are working on the subject. And as a professor of neuroscience said, "We can grow neurons on silicone plates; we can make the blind see; the deaf hear; we can read minds." So will all we become cyborgs one day?"

What do you think?

Looking at web 2.0 like Second Life, Twitter, Blogs ..etc., and more on the internet tells me we are already using technologies to enhance Human. So here also we are going to do the same. But it is a high risk area which anyone can even think of.. let us wait and see how it goes...

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